Short Promotional
Good, Die Young
By James Sweeny
Directed by Damien Strouthos
Its a love story told over three decades, exploring a relationship that continues to exist without the beautiful perils of ageing. Written by out-of-work actor James Sweeny, 'Good Die Young' will take you back to your first love, and leave you there.
Good, Die Young
The Intervention
By Valentin Lang
Directed by Lloyd Allison-Young
A Sydney share house. Two millennials argue over who is the better friend to the person that they are currently attempting to stage an intervention for. In the midst of this self absorbed conflict of virtues they are not present to the root cause of their friends drinking problem. A darkly comic examination of Australian drinking culture.
The Intervention
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Rehearsal Capture
Rehearsal Capture
Valentin Lang, Elle Harris, Luke Mcmahon
Rehearsal Capture
The Intervention
Behind the stage with Luke Mcmahon
Good, Die Young
Directors Note
Rehearsal Capture
Rehearsal Capture
Rehearsal Capture
Rehearsal Capture